So good morning to you!
"I woke!!"
My hairdresser said this to me last week... he said, "If I don't think of anything else in the morning, the one thing I can say with all my heart and be thankful for is that I woke up this morning." That was just a little aside.. I really didn't intend to say that at all.. my fingers just have a mind of their own sometimes...
What I want to share with you are the lyrics to my most recent song, which have been playing over and over in my mind the past few days.. I'll attach the video of the song also just for any who haven't heard the song too...
Walk with Diamonds
Ain't you been acting strange
Lost in the yesterday's ~ things of old
Under the aubern skies
Well there's a jewel that shines ~ so bright
And as your heart beats in time with mine
I know that you'll hear my call ~ here's my call
And I can see what you're trying to find
But something here to realise ~ I am here
I know it's hard to walk with diamonds, and wear that golden crown
Just leave your tired clothes on the floor
Look at you don't you look finer than you've been before
You can dress up any time you want
I see you in the heart
So open up your heart
And leave your cares behind ~ walk with me
I'll show you what you're worth
An endless ocean pearl ~ be free
And as we run through the storm in the sea
The waves disappear and leave ~ I'm here
My treasure's waiting on the side
My clothes will be here every time ~ you decide
I know it's hard to walk with diamonds and wear that golden crown
Just leave your tired clothes on the floor
Look at you don't you look finer than you've been before
You can dress up any time you want
I see you in the heart
PS just realised I don't need to attach a vid.. you can watch it here on the vid section on my blog! ... (hmm, and i thought i woke this morn.. ;~D )