9 August 2010

"I am what I do, and I do what I am"

"I am what I do, and I do what I am" is what I thought to myself this morning.... 

Lately, I've been facing some issues within myself.  I've seen how much I've been holding myself back... having unrealistic self-expectations.. finding it hard to accept and embrace the gradual, natural progression of growth and events... 
I've been holding myself back by thinking thoughts such as "ahh, well I can't do that yet, because it's not going to be good enough yet.. " etc.  I've been focussing on where I think I 'should' be instead of accepting where and who I am right now or something like that... 
Anyway, that's enough info about that part....  

.. making my requests known to God is a big thing in my life, and I think that now I'm starting to be able to accept things some more..

At least for this morning anyway, I saw things in a different light.... not a 'wanna-be' teacher, singer, song-writer... but a practicing teacher, singer & song-writer.  I am already there.... I'm doing it and living it ~ this is who I am and what I do ~  just keep walking, and doing.  I may not be the very best out there but if I can share something of what I do (even if it's just 1 or 2 things) and if it helps someone take some kind of step in their lives, then I feel grateful to be a part of that :-)  

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